Intelligent Life

Monday, April 20, 2009

Value Synchronicity

Value Synchronicity

Value Synchronicity

Value Synchronicity is the art of using technology to synchronize the values in all areas of your life, so that they work together. Value Synchronicity is taking responsibility for your life in all areas, and using technology to maximize the attainment of personal goals while meeting your financial, emotional and spiritual obligations to your family, your employer, yourself and your God, whatever you conceive him, her or it to be. Read more »

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Value Synchronicity

Value Synchronicity is the art of using technology to synchronize the values in all areas of your life, so that they work together. Value Synchronicity is taking responsibility for your life in all areas, and using technology to maximize the attainment of personal goals while meeting your financial, emotional and spiritual obligations to your family, your employer, yourself and your God, whatever you conceive him, her or it to be. Read more »

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Diabetes Cure?

Diabetes Cure?
Some months ago, I saw a trailer for a documentary that showed six diabetics whose symptoms were eliminated completely by following a raw food diet (think uncooked fruits and vegetables, not raw meat!) for thirty days.

Since I'm diabetic, it interested me very much. However, I had never been able to find a source to get the entire documentary. I knew from other reading I had done that not all raw food diets are the same, and therefore did not want to simply try going on a raw food diet on my own without first having good information that I could evaluate myself.

Well, today I found the website of the documentary. It turns out that they currently have a special offer, good until April 30, 2009, that includes a large number of bonuses if you order the DVD. And, if you want their "raw food encyclopedia" along with the DVD, they have a special bundle for $49.90, instead of the usual $29.95 each.

I will be ordering these and digesting them (ha ha, do you like the pun?) and letting you know what I think of it. The website claims the diet they espouse can reverse diabetes -- essentially cure it.

Here's the link for you:

I wrote about the Leptin Diet (my term) some time back on, and even included my personal results attempting to improve my health through a book called "The Rosedale Diet". The Rosedale Diet was written by a medical doctor who treats a lot of diabetics, and who believes that if you are diabetic, following the recommendations of the American Diabetic Association will kill you.

Certainly, the allopathic medical community (meaning, traditional doctors) believe that once someone has the symptoms of diabetes, they have the disease for life. Others seem to believe that diabetes is really just one symptom of our insulin systems being out of whack, and that it is possible to restore it to health.

If you're diabetic, or know someone who is, check out the information at and check back here often for my updates on what I think of the information.

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Some months ago, I saw a trailer for a documentary that showed six diabetics whose symptoms were eliminated completely by following a raw food diet (think uncooked fruits and vegetables, not raw meat!) for thirty days.

Since I'm diabetic, it interested me very much. However, I had never been able to find a source to get the entire documentary. I knew from other reading I had done that not all raw food diets are the same, and therefore did not want to simply try going on a raw food diet on my own without first having good information that I could evaluate myself.

Well, today I found the website of the documentary. It turns out that they currently have a special offer, good until April 30, 2009, that includes a large number of bonuses if you order the DVD. And, if you want their "raw food encyclopedia" along with the DVD, they have a special bundle for $49.90, instead of the usual $29.95 each.

I will be ordering these and digesting them (ha ha, do you like the pun?) and letting you know what I think of it. The website claims the diet they espouse can reverse diabetes -- essentially cure it.

Here's the link for you:

I wrote about the Leptin Diet (my term) some time back on, and even included my personal results attempting to improve my health through a book called "The Rosedale Diet". The Rosedale Diet was written by a medical doctor who treats a lot of diabetics, and who believes that if you are diabetic, following the recommendations of the American Diabetic Association will kill you.

Certainly, the allopathic medical community (meaning, traditional doctors) believe that once someone has the symptoms of diabetes, they have the disease for life. Others seem to believe that diabetes is really just one symptom of our insulin systems being out of whack, and that it is possible to restore it to health.

If you're diabetic, or know someone who is, check out the information at and check back here often for my updates on what I think of the information.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Keith, the Singularity

Keith, the Singularity

Why this blog?

April 1, 2009

Late yesterday, Google announced the creation of CADIE, the "world's first 'artificial intelligence' tasked-array system." Cadie is supposedly an autonomous computer program capable of creating its own web page (here), but more likely an April fool's joke.

The announcement prompted two questions in my mind: 1) If Cadie can have her own singularity blog, why can't I? and 2) What constitutes intelligence -- is there indeed intelligent life out there?

The answer to question one is "I can" and so here it is. The answer to question two is the subject of this blog, and you will find here my musings on what constitutes intelligent life, how to make your life more intelligent, and related (and perhaps unrelated) topics.

What is a Singularity?

What is a singularity, you ask? The Free Online dictionary defines a singularity as:
1. The quality or condition of being singular;
2. A trait marking one as distinct from others; a peculiarity;
3. Something uncommon or unusual;
(Astrophysics) A point in space-time at which gravitational forces cause matter to have infinite density and infinitesimal volume, and space and time to become infinitely distorted;
5. (Mathematics) A point at which the derivative does not exist for a given function but every neighborhood of which contains points for which the derivative exists. Also called singular point.

Although my friends and family would probably confirm that I am indeed a peculiarity, and uncommon in many ways, I think of singularity as being the opposite of duplicity ("being twofold or double"). My quest in life is to become totally singular, that is, to increasingly approach the point at which my every thought, word and action is in harmony with my core values and beliefs.

I invite you to join me on this journey. I have a long way to go, and I'm guessing you do too, but together we can help each other move in the right direction.

To your prosperity,

Keith, the Singularity
(Keith O Hudson)

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Why this blog?

April 1, 2009

Late yesterday, Google announced the creation of CADIE, the "world's first 'artificial intelligence' tasked-array system." Cadie is supposedly an autonomous computer program capable of creating its own web page (here), but more likely an April fool's joke.

The announcement prompted two questions in my mind: 1) If Cadie can have her own singularity blog, why can't I? and 2) What constitutes intelligence -- is there indeed intelligent life out there?

The answer to question one is "I can" and so here it is. The answer to question two is the subject of this blog, and you will find here my musings on what constitutes intelligent life, how to make your life more intelligent, and related (and perhaps unrelated) topics.

What is a Singularity?

What is a singularity, you ask? The Free Online dictionary defines a singularity as:
1. The quality or condition of being singular;
2. A trait marking one as distinct from others; a peculiarity;
3. Something uncommon or unusual;
(Astrophysics) A point in space-time at which gravitational forces cause matter to have infinite density and infinitesimal volume, and space and time to become infinitely distorted;
5. (Mathematics) A point at which the derivative does not exist for a given function but every neighborhood of which contains points for which the derivative exists. Also called singular point.

Although my friends and family would probably confirm that I am indeed a peculiarity, and uncommon in many ways, I think of singularity as being the opposite of duplicity ("being twofold or double"). My quest in life is to become totally singular, that is, to increasingly approach the point at which my every thought, word and action is in harmony with my core values and beliefs.

I invite you to join me on this journey. I have a long way to go, and I'm guessing you do too, but together we can help each other move in the right direction.

To your prosperity,

Keith, the Singularity
(Keith O Hudson)